Version: (1/1/16)

  1. Internal refactoring.

Version: (8/9/15)

  1. Revamp of the look and feel of the site.
  2. Bootstrap integration.
  3. Jquery updated to 2.1.1.
  4. Upgraded the BlueImp jquery file uploader (
  5. Removed categories.
  6. Summernote added.
  7. Font Awesome added.
  8. Internal authentication revamped.
  9. Carousel added.

Version: (11/3/13)

  1. Added Optimization & Bundling.

Version: (5/12/13)

  1. Upgraded from MVC 2.0 to MVC 4.0 and Razor syntax.
  2. Added some HTML5 tags such as Nav, Section, Header, and Footer.
  3. Redesigned the footer and added social icons.
  4. Adjusted the margin around the main body of the page.

Version: (11/13/12)

  1. Updated the news items to include a thumbnail of the newly created experiment.

Version: (1/12/12)

  1. Added an external source option that replaces the source tab if the source control is hosted off-site, such as github.
  2. Added a mechanism to generate thumbnails for uploaded images and to only display thumbnails in the gallery, until the user clicks on the image.

Version: (4/1/12)

  1. Removed the auto version incrementation completely.
  2. Added custom model binders.
  3. Fixed the experiment link for site news when an experiment is created.
  4. Reduce the data returned by the project proc.
  5. Updated the copyright to include the initial year to now.
  6. Fixed a grammatical error with the footer.
  7. Extended the length of the version module.
  8. jQuery updated to 1.8.18.

Version: 1.20.0.* (3/25/12)

  1. Changed admin functionality where 5 news items on the home page are always shown.
  2. Changed admin functionality to support entitytag & category name changes.
  3. Made major modifications to the news functionality so that there is tracking for modified and created news items.
  4. Older source code is now purged when new source code is uploaded.
  5. Fixed a centering issues when unformatted text was centered with the progress gif.
  6. Added a handler to server the source code rather than using a simple webmethod.
  7. Fixed an entity tag issue where the programming language was not retaining its value when an experiment is edited.

Version: 1.19.0.* (3/12/12)

  1. Changed how the about information was stored.
  2. Added a site info and skills tab.
  3. Fixed a stylesheet issue with bullet points not appearing in the main modules.
  4. Consolidate all tab mechanisms to one class.

Version: 1.18.0.* (12/24/11)

  1. Additional internal authentication features.

Version: 1.17.6.* (12/19/11)

  1. Additional user management.
  2. Additional user's game management.
  3. All SiteAvatarInfo procs, tables and code has been removed.

Version: 1.17.5.* (12/11/11)

  1. Fixed the SiteAvatarInfo procs that were missing a relationship between the user and the avatar. This table may be deprecated and rolled into the user table at some time.

Version: 1.17.4.* (12/4/11)

  1. Additional MVC security checks have been added.
  2. Added an error event viewer to the admin section so that logged errors can now be seen via the interface, as well as having the ability to clear the error log from the UI.
  3. Added a dashboard that shows user activity such as login and when users were created.
  4. Added additional detail pages so that individual events and users can be viewed.

Version: 1.17.3.* (11/14/11)

  1. Updated the admin section so experiment images & source can be modified after experiment creation.
  2. Added additional security in the source browsing to restrict which files can be viewed.
  3. Added the ability to view all experiments.
  4. Extracted the experiment's side navigation into its own partial view.
  5. The super admin can now see inactive projects.

Version: 1.17.2.* (10/30/11)

  1. Fixed a major bug in the experiment creation page.

Version: 1.17.1.* (10/30/11)

  1. Fixed a major bug in the experiment creation page.

Version: 1.17.0.* (10/9/11)

  1. Major admin changes.
  2. Reduce unnecessary database tables.

Version: 1.16.1.* (10/3/11)

  1. Changed the module styles to remove the strong contrast between the background and text.
  2. Updated jquery to 1.6.2.
  3. Updated jquery ui to 1.8.16.
  4. Updated the jquery theme to better match the site's theme.
  5. Removed the unused inception property.

Version: 1.16.0.* (10/1/11)

  1. Integrated wordpress blog entries into the news section.

Version: 1.15.0.* (9/28/11)

  1. Added the news procs and section.

Version: 1.14.0.* (9/25/11)

  1. Added new images for the background, title, and top menu.
  2. Massive style changes.

Version: 1.13.0.* (9/14/11)

  1. Removed the Links table from the database.
  2. Updated the footer to note author, browser support, and the support for new standards.
  3. The footer image was updated to define a harder top edge so that the text can be seen better.
  4. The background images were modified.
  5. Removed the top layer movement on mouse movement.

Version: 1.12.2011.* (7/4/11)

  1. Moved the scripts includes to improve performance.
  2. Created an image handler to cache images.
  3. Added Lightbox to handle the pop-up images.
  4. Combined some javascript files to reduce the number of requests.
  5. Fixed an issue in IE8 where the background javascript was casuing an error and interrupting jquery.

Version: 1.11.2011.* (06/29/11)

  1. Reduced the image size and unnecessary javascript to attempt to improve performance.
  2. Added a fail-safe background image so that if the canvas object is not supported or if javascript fails, a static image is loaded.
  3. Updated the error page to have the same dynamic background.
  4. Fixed the bug where experiements would crash if specific directories were not available.

Version: 1.10.2011.* (06/28/11)

  1. Added ASP .NET MVC2 to the technologies list.
  2. Removed Resume from the menu, as it will appear under about.
  3. Added a dynamic background using the HTML5 canvas tag.

Version: 1.9.2011.* (03/21/11)

  1. Added admin functionality to allow for editing on the about page.
  2. Hid the comments & download tab so they will be more prevalent when the features are implemented.

Version: 1.8.2011.* (03/08/11)

  1. Removed the technologies used to the site master and put them in the version info page.
  2. Added a favicon.
  3. Split the About info into multiple fields from the DB rather than one single column.
  4. Began working on a new background image.

Version: 1.7.2011.* (03/01/11)

  1. Added the technologies used to the site master.

Version: 1.6.2011.* (02/27/11)

  1. Added editing functionality.

Version: 1.5.2011.* (02/25/11)

  1. Finished integrating full functionality for creating new experiments via the super admin account. No more database inserts.

Version: 1.4.2011.* (02/20/11)

  1. Added a loader image.
  2. Changed the list item style in the version info page.
  3. Added the views & controller methods to handle creating new experiments for super admins only.
  4. Add a Download & Comments tabs.

Version: 1.3.2011.* (02/19/11)

  1. Added a CreateDate, ModifiedDate, & InceptionDate to each experiment.
  2. Category insertion & modification data access classes added.
  3. ProgLanguage insertion & modification data access classes added.
  4. Project insertion & modification data access classes added.
  5. Automatic tag creation added when a new tag is added via a project.
  6. Changed the modal popup for the images so that it scales to the images rather than the images scaling to the modal popup.

Version: 1.2.2011.* (02/18/11)

  1. Added a PostedDate, ModifiedDate, & InceptionDate to each experiment.

Version: 1.1.2011.* (02/14/11)

  1. Fixed some styling issues with the error page.
  2. Added the link to the home page when the logo is clicked on.
  3. Added a global var in javascript to help determine the web root.
  4. Updated all modules to use the JQuery UI Moveable feature.

Version: 1.0.2011.* (02/14/11)

  1. Updated the build number to use the year rather than an arbitrary number.
  2. Updated the revision number to be updated automatically by Visual Studio.

Version: (02/13/11)

  1. Initial build
The following libraries and frameworks are used to supplement and enhance the site's functionality. A donation has also been given to authors of some of these technologies to help fund further development.